Hardest chewing gum on the market
builds new jaw muscle & bone
Age: 19
Difference: 1 Year
Age: 26
Difference: 3 Years
Age: 19
Difference: 1 Year
Age: 26
Difference: 2 Years
What Our Jaws Were Made For
Our ancestors had to grind down foods for hours each day. Foods from thousands or even hundreds of years ago were completely different to what we see in grocery stores today, as they were less processed and very hard to break down. This meant that your jaw had to work hard for every nutrient, resulting in stronger jaw muscles and developed facial structures without crooked teeth. This is evident when examining the skulls of our ancestors. Additionally, wild animals always have perfectly aligned teeth. Crooked teeth is something that didn't exist before and only occurs with modern human beings.
Facial muscles are linked to how our entire body functions. Strong jaw muscles and good facial posture improves coordination and athletic performance.